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One Night with the Billionaire (A BWWM Romance) Page 15

  Kim tossed her stuffed dolphin in her father’s direction and clapped her hands, speaking in her incomprehensible baby talk. David loved it and often had full conversations with his daughter.

  “I agree. It will be fun. More importantly, your mom is going to love it.” He hoped. He really, really hoped she loved him and gave him the words he wanted to hear.

  When they returned home ninety minutes later, Ebony still hadn’t made it home and David started to panic. Just a little, but still. He didn’t let himself worry too much because he knew she would call if something was wrong. So he double checked the food laid out carefully in the small dining room, the dessert chilling in the fridge next to the champagne, and sat down to have a talk with his daughter.

  “Your dad isn’t proud of it, sweetie, but before your mom, he’d dated quite a few women. Most of whom, at some point, had proclaimed to love me. They really loved daddy’s money,” he told her, dropping a kiss on her head. “Now when I want a woman to fall in love with me, your mommy is being stubborn.”

  Kim looked up at him with wide eyes and a bright smile as she played with one of her cinnamon curls.

  “I know, kiddo, what are the odds? All the women your dad had to turn away and there’s only one I want to hear say ‘I love you.’ Is your old man asking for too much?” It was so easy to just blurt out the words, but he hadn’t. “Damn. Don’t be a dummy like daddy, princess, okay?” Lifting her in the air, David could only laugh when he was hit smack in the middle of the forehead with his daughter’s drool. “Thanks, kiddo, Daddy will never have a big ego with you around.”

  “Dada. Da-da.” Again she pulled his nose to her mouth, providing a healthy dose of moisture.

  “You finally called me dada.” He beamed a smile at his daughter and reached for his phone. He turned on the camera and prompted her again. “Don’t tell anyone what you and Daddy talked about, okay?”

  With a smile that always stopped his heart, Kim looked up at him. “Dada, dada, dada.” Then she leaned in and kissed him again, less wet and twice as sweet.

  He sent the video to Ebony, Sarah and Tonya, knowing all three women would appreciate it. David couldn’t resist reminding each of them that she had called for him first. “That’s my girl,” he told her before pulling her into his arms for another cuddle. “Apparently I am the cuddling type,” he murmured to her, checking the clock because Ebony was late. Very late. Picking up his phone again, he tapped the call button. “Tonya, Ebony is late and I’m worried. Can you come stay with Kim while I go make sure everything is alright?”

  Twenty minutes later he was in his car and headed toward the college.


  “See you around, Dr. Linklater. Be sure to email me when the book is live.” With a professional yet friendly handshake, Ebony watched the salt and pepper haired professor walk away. The man was a professor straight out of central casting with his plaid shirt, jeans and blazer with the corduroy elbows. But he was sweet and easy to work for, and he’d written a glowing recommendation for her. “Just about done,” she said to the empty room on an exhale. She just needed to gather her things and she could go home. Checking her phone, she realized it was much later than it should be and she hadn’t called David.

  David had surprised her over the past few weeks. Underneath the gruff and cynical exterior was a man with a great capacity for love and caring. He was a natural born protector, which made him bossy and sometimes domineering, but also incredibly sweet. And so damn passionate that sometimes in the afterglow of their lovemaking, Ebony pretended that he was hers. That this was their life, working and loving, parenting and living a regular life of a couple in love. It could happen. He cares about you after all. Those words replayed on the most annoying loop in her head. I care about you. It was such a tepid emotion compared to what she felt for him. “Stupid girl,” she muttered to herself.

  It was silly to wish for more. They’d been dating sort of but she knew it wasn’t going anywhere. She couldn’t upend her plans for him, and his company was in Los Angeles, not Berkeley. Since he didn’t love her, they had no future. But you have one now. She smiled at that thought. She could enjoy what time they had left together and sock it away for long, lonely nights in Berkeley.

  “I knew I’d find your fine ass in one of these rooms.”

  She stiffened at the slurred voice of Lexington and turned slowly. “Hi, Lex. What are you doing in here?”

  “I’m came to get what’s mine.”

  Heart thudding, she knew exactly what he thought belonged to him. “Did you leave something in here?” As calmly as possible she shoved the notebook and tablet into her bag and dialed 911 on her mobile without looking. Who knew constant texting would pay off one day, she thought sardonically.

  “You know damn well I came for you, Ebony.”

  She was afraid but she also felt something else bubbling to the surface. Rage. “We don’t have any business, Lex, so you can be on your way. Fenwick Hall is closed to the public.” She hoped to god someone was listening on her phone and would send help.

  “Not until I get what I came for, and that’s you, pretty lady. You always thought you were too good for me and the other brothers in the hood. You ain’t.”

  Ebony shrugged, tired of this refrain but certain saying so now wouldn’t make the situation better. “I never thought that, I just wanted something different.” When would people stop putting their own lack of dreams onto her?

  “Nah, you always looked down your nose at me, thinking you’re big shit just because you go to college.” He was twitchy and sweating pretty profusely and Ebony knew he was high on something. Something dangerous.

  “That’s not true. I look down my nose at you because you think ‘nice tits’ is a compliment that should please me.” That was mostly true but it didn’t matter, she just hoped he didn’t notice that her busy work was aimed at switching their positions so she was closest to the door.

  “Sayin’ you got nice tits is a compliment. If you weren’t such a stuck up bitch, you’d know that.”

  Ebony rolled her eyes. “Okay fine, I’m stuck up and I’m a bitch, whatever. I’m out of here.” She grabbed her purse and headed for the door when she heard the telltale click of a gun cocking.

  “I don’t think so. I’m tired of you turning your back on me, walking away from me. Now you’re gonna stay right where I tell you.”

  Her heart came to a complete stop and then began beating a tattoo out of her chest. Lex was out of his mind on drugs, jealousy and drunk on the power of holding a gun in his hands. “Fine, Lexington. You want to talk, let’s talk. What did I do that was wrong, decide I wanted to be more than a punching bag for a mid-level gangbanger?”

  “You know I didn’t mean what happened with Letitia.”

  She crossed her arms. “What about Rhonda or Dominique?”

  “Dammit, those bitches didn’t know when to shut the fuck up. I hadn’t to shut them up, didn’t I?”

  “Did you? Or did you just enjoy it?” She held her hands up. “I don’t care, Lex. Just let me go and we’ll forget all about this. I’m leaving in a few weeks, moving across the country for school so no one needs to know.”

  His head was shaking vehemently. “You ain’t going nowhere. You belong to me.”

  She shook her head with just as much energy. “I belong to no one, Lex. It’ll be better for you if you just leave now.” She inched closer to the door, lunging for the handle the same moment the weapon discharged. “Shit, you crazy fucker!” She was in the hall and running, only stopping when she hit a hot hard wall of…flesh. She looked up, hoping it wasn’t one of Lex’s crew. “David,” she sighed, and then realized he was there. “David, what are you doing here?”

  “You were late and I was worried so—”

  “Not now, David! Lexington is in my classroom and he has a gun, we have to get out of here.” She grabbed his arm and starting running when another shot fired. “Get down,” she yelled, and never stopped moving. Every damn door wa
s locked because the building was officially closed until the fall session began after Labor Day.

  “There’s nowhere you or white boy can hide Ebony. But I’ll give you a choice. You can be this white man’s whore for the few minutes he has left to live, or you can be with me and you both live.”

  Heart thudding, she had no idea how they would get out of the building. The main entrance was still up ahead but it would make both of them, but especially David, an easy target.

  “Why don’t you turn the gun on yourself?” David grunted. His voice was searching but she was too terrified to look back. “Ebony and I are getting married so you’re a little late, man.”

  “No, goddammit!” Lex’s speech was garbled and incoherent. “I didn’t see a ring.”

  “Like I would wear it to school so I could get mugged for it,” she scoffed.

  David grabbed her and they ducked into a small alcove, with her tucked behind him for safety. She listened carefully for Lex’s uneven gait and the slide of his sneakers against the linoleum. He was coming closer.

  “I guess he found out your bastard wasn’t mine, huh? But you, Ebony, with that body and those lying eyes, you got him to believe she was his, didn’t you?” He laughed. “Such a talented liar. Snagged you a real rich man, didn’t you, bitch?”

  She opened her mouth to say something but David shushed her and stood. He was poised for attack and as soon as Lex’s shadow crossed the alcove he cracked him over the head with the fire extinguisher, sending the gun sliding across the floor. “Good hit,” she said seconds before he grabbed her and practically dragged her from the building.

  Out into the fading sunlight, they were bombarded by police as a group sped by them and into the building. They had to answer questions, give statements and get checked by the paramedics before they could leave.

  Two hours later they walked to the parking lot, arms holding each other close. “Holy shit, I’ve never been so scared in my life,” he told her. “I called the police as soon as I saw that lunatic with a gun.” He stopped and turned her to face him. “My heart must have stopped a dozen times. All I could think that was that he would shoot you and you would die without hearing me tell you that I finally realized what that funny feeling in my stomach was.” His hands held her everywhere, needing to check and make sure she was alright.

  “What was it, indigestion?” Ebony tried to lighten the mood because she was still shaking and she had a feeling she was going into shock.

  “No, it was love. I love you, Ebony. This isn’t exactly how I wanted to tell you, but I do. I am deeply in love with you.”

  She smiled and gasped simultaneously, and then she passed out.

  Chapter Sixteen

  By the time they’d returned to Ebony’s house, David swore he’d aged about two decades. First seeing that maniac waving a gun at her in the classroom and then when she passed out in front of him in the parking lot. God, he’d thought he might lose her so he’d shared his feelings and waited expectantly for hers when she passed out in his arms. The paramedics assured him she was fine, likely in shock after the trauma of the day. So he’d brought her home, keeping a worried eye on her the entire drive home.

  “Where are we?” She finally woke up in his arms as he scooped her up into his arms.

  “You’re in my arms and we’re home. You passed out. Scared the shit out of me.”

  “Sorry,” she answered sheepishly, golden brown eyes struggling to stay open. “Did I pass out?”

  He nodded and shot a grateful smile at Tonya when she opened the door. “You did, but the paramedics checked you out. You’re okay. If not, you tell me and we’ll get a doctor here right away.”

  She nodded and snuggled into his arms, which was right where she belonged. Instead of lying her on the sofa, he sat and kept her on his lap and in his arms as he told Tonya what happened. “He was on something, Mama,” she added sleepily.

  Tonya clucked her disapproval. “That boy was always trouble. Can’t be a good dealer if you can’t resist your stash.” Her words did nothing to hide the terror in her eyes.

  “She’s alright, Tonya. I promise.”

  The older woman nodded and gave him a grateful nod.

  “What’s all this?” Ebony asked, finally noticing the decorations around the house.

  David gave her a mock glare. “I had a special night planned for us before you decided to get held hostage by a delusional gangster.”

  “What kind of plans?”

  He smiled, happy to see she wasn’t so ashen beneath her smooth cocoa skin. “The kind that include a fancy dinner and champagne.” He slid her off his lap and stood, returning moments later with two plates piled with food. “Here you go.” He gave Tonya the second plate and returned for his.

  “God, this is delicious,” Ebony moaned loudly.

  “Good, but there’s only food because I know you love to eat and I needed you quiet.” He and Tony laughed at her outraged look. “Sorry, babe, but it’s true. I have a few things I want to say to you.”

  “I’ll give you some space.” Tonya stood, but David stopped her.

  “You can stay if you’d like.” He turned back to Ebony and her half-empty plate. “I love you, Ebony. It took me a long time to realize what my conflicting emotions were but I know now, it’s deep and abiding love. For you.” David went down to his knees in front of her. “I’m not telling you this so you’ll stay in Los Angeles, I’m telling you because I couldn’t stand the thought of you not knowing how much you mean to me.”

  “I love you too, David,” she whispered as tears fell down her cheek.

  He smiled, finally feeling the lightness one felt when their heart was soaring with love. “Good, because there’s more.” He pulled the ring from his pocket and held it up to her. “You have turned my entire world upside down since I saw you at Escape. I wanted you, only I couldn’t own up to it, and I regret how I behaved then and now. I didn’t understand a woman like you, wanting me and not my money or my high profile. It was strange and I lashed out. I’m sorry. But, Ebony, I love you so much and I want to know if you’ll do me the honor of being my wife.” He held out the two-and-a-half carat diamond in a princess cut, surrounded by emeralds.

  “It’s gorgeous, David, but I can’t accept it. It’s too much.”

  He frowned and felt sawdust replace all the moisture in his mouth. “You don’t want to marry me?”

  She smiled. “Of course I want to marry you, I’m in love with you. I just don’t want you to think you have to spend that kind of money to make me happy. You don’t.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, child, this is one time the man can spend as he wishes,” Tonya chimed in, making them both laugh.

  “Smart woman, you should listen to her.” He slid the ring on her finger and leaned forward to kiss her. “Let’s get married soon. We’ve already wasted so much time. We can do a big ceremony later, but all we need is Tonya, Sarah and Kim to get married.”

  Ebony’s heart was full of love. “Okay. But what about Berkeley? Are you okay living apart for the next year while I finish my degree?”

  “Hell no,” he growled, and stood up, scanning the room and spotting the envelope he needed. “Here’s the final piece.”

  She pulled the papers out and scanned them quickly before looking up at him with tears pooled in her eyes. “You bought us a house in Berkeley? Why?”

  “Because I want to be where you and Kim are. I can work remotely and fly down as needed. I’d rather miss a few days away than only have a few days with my girls.”

  Swiping at tears as they crested her cheekbones, she smiled. “David, you’re incredible. We wasted so much time when we could have been loving each other. I’m sorry.”

  He tilted her chin up so they were eye to eye. “Don’t apologize. We had to find our path and we did. It was long and bumpy and winding. And it brought us together. I love you.”

  “I love you too, David.”

  “Dada. Dada,” rang out from the monitor, and David

  “Oh, and our daughter loves me too,” he told her proudly. “You really should check your messages, sweetheart.” They shared a laugh, and for the first time in his life, David was putting his trust in a woman. In love.


  Two years later

  “I miss coffee more than anything right now,” Ebony pouted as she sat beside David, stealing a whiff of the dark bitter drink.

  He laughed and leaned forward to give his wife a kiss. They’d gotten married two days before she and Kim left for Berkeley, with David following a month later. “You only have four months left, honey.” He rubbed her rounded belly.

  “Yeah, four months to give birth and another nine to twelve months of breastfeeding.” Giving up coffee was the hardest part about being pregnant, especially with such a gorgeous view. “My leave begins after the Cabot wedding tomorrow, so if you want, we can head back to Los Angeles.” For more than a year Ebony had been the special concierge at the Piedmont Grand Luxe in Honolulu where she catered to every whim of the uber rich, of which she was now a part.

  David shook his head. “No way. I love island living. You wear a bikini almost every day,” he said, giving her a lascivious smile and eyeing the rose pink bikini she wore now. Her breasts were large and spilling from her bikini top, drawing so much attention most people—male people—barely realized she was five months pregnant. “Plus, I think Kim is going to be a great surfer.”

  Ebony laughed because their daughter had become quite the water baby. She loved being on the water, surfing, boogie boarding, sailing and anything else her daddy indulged. “She’s definitely going to have a perma-tan. Maybe you should buy stock in sunscreen.”