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Escort by Mistake (Contemporary BWWM Billionaire Romance) Read online

Page 3

  Cassidy could see Kim was close to tears. Unexplained nerve diseases, cancer. The world was filled with tragedies.

  “Oh, Kim. I’m so sorry. My Mom has cancer. I know how you feel.” She fiddled with the computer. “There, you’re off the schedule.”

  “Thanks, Cass,” Kim drawled. “How about you? How are you doing? I didn’t know about your mom.”

  “It’s why I’m here. Making money to send home.”

  “Yeah. Money makes the world go round.”

  Cassidy nodded agreement. “Yeah, it sure does.” She paused, not knowing how to go about asking the question that was really on her mind. She knew Kim was one of the girls who offered extra services privately. “Um, Kim… I… How do you? I mean… The strange men? Umm…”

  Kim laughed her familiar infectious laugh. Cassidy could see why she was popular. “Cassidy, you sound like one of the guys trying to ask for more than dinner and conversation.” She looked at the wall for a moment, eyes going distant. “At first, it is uncomfortable. You have to get used to being frank and direct. But the real thing is you have to change your thinking. If you think sex is bad, it’s not going to work. Plus, it not really about sex, it’s about pleasing. About offering the best service. You know, we all have our own limits and we discuss those before agreeing to any extra service. You have to believe that what you do not only uplifts your clients but uplifts you, too. You have to enjoy the job for what it is.”

  Cassidy tried, but she just couldn’t get her head there… not even for a few seconds. “Thanks, Kim. I guess it’s just not for me. I’m okay doing this office stuff. I’ll stick with that.”

  Kim nodded in agreement. “Yeah, some girls just can’t get there. You have to be okay mentally to make it work. Can’t argue with the money, though.” She let out another great laugh.

  “Um, so, how money are we talking? Oh, my god, that’s so blunt. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “Hey, that’s okay. Just don’t tell Ed how much, okay? He knows we do it, and he knows it gets him more clients, but we never tell him how much. Deal?”

  “Sure, Kim. I won’t tell Ed. I was just curious.”

  “My best week was over six thousand for three dates. Usually it’s less, but the money is good. Makes life easy. No more struggling. You’re from the South, right?”

  “Yeah, Alabama. It’s why I’m here in New York. Not much money to be made down there. I miss my family, but it’s tough being single.”

  “No kidding! I’m from Georgia. Definitely know what you’re talking about.”


  Cassidy was up at first light when the weekend rolled in. She had never been more eager to report back to the coffee shop. She whistled as she showered and changed into her uniform. The day felt like it held a promise of something exciting, even as the familiar sound of a siren wailing in the distance pervaded her senses. The sun held court over azure skies with wisps of white clouds hanging in the horizon.

  “It’s a beautiful day,” Cassidy grinned as she took her place on the bus that was hauling her off to work.

  “Good morning, Ron,” she cheerily hailed as she breezed in through the door of the café.

  “You’re looking very perky this morning,” Ron teased.

  She headed straight for the bulletin board where the staff had made a habit of sticking Post-It note messages. She scanned the small pieces of paper, but didn’t find any with her name on it. No, there were no new messages for her these last two days. She tried to fight the feeling of disappointment. Maybe Tristan came and saw she wasn’t around. Did he mention her name to any of the crew?

  She sidled casually towards her boss.

  “Anything exciting happen while I was gone?” she asked casually. Too casually.

  Ron looked up from the morning paper, shook his head absentmindedly, and then resumed reading.

  Cassidy sighed. He could do better, but he was preoccupied with the goddamned weather report.

  “Umm… err… the usual patrons came around?” she tried again.

  “Oh, yeah,” Ron mumbled, his face still buried in the news.

  Cassidy searched for a way to fish for more information. If Tristan came around, then Ron would have noticed. He wasn’t the “usual patron.” However, she was dying to know for sure and blurted, “Ron, did anyone come by asking for me the past two days?”

  Ron finally looked up from his paper, his eyes moving upward in thought before answering, “No. I don’t think so. I closed at 6:00 p.m. last Thursday and then again last night.”

  Cassidy’s face noticeably fell.

  “Why? Were you expecting anyone?”

  “No!” The word came out too fast and too intensely.

  She tried for a more indifferent reply.

  “No… not really.”

  She tried to hide the disappointment on her face by turning to face the café‘s entrance, then heard the rustling of the newspaper as Ron folded it away.

  “The guy who sent you the flowers and the enormous tip?”

  She nodded her head as her shoulders slumped dejectedly. There was no use hiding the truth from Ron. He could read her like a book. He often joked that it was wisdom that came with age.

  Ron approached and placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

  “He might still show up. You never know, Cass,” he tried to comfort her.

  But Cassidy knew the truth. She could never lie to herself. She would never see Tristan again and what happened three nights ago was a mere coincidence. A stroke of luck. A fluke. Fate mocked her and made her believe her mundane life was headed in another direction. Lady luck added insult to injury and threw her some scraps. Like a stupid dog, she hoped the rest of the steak would follow.

  You are such a dimwit, she chided herself.

  Chapter Three

  “Thanks, Cassidy. G’night.”

  Cassidy waved her hand in farewell as the last customer headed out the door. She was glad to close early tonight. It would give her a chance to do her laundry, but first she had to drop by the all-night market and pick up a few things on her way home. Her equilibrium had been restored after two days of moping around and looking like a lost puppy.

  Get over it… she scolded herself each time her thoughts brought her back to Tristan and all her silly expectations.

  She quickly changed into her street clothes, ditching her café uniform in favor of a pair of jeans, a floral belly shirt that showed a sliver of mocha skin, and a pair of white sneakers. Before turning off all the lights, she remembered to tick off the supplies that Ron needed to order from the commissary the next morning. When she was confident she hadn’t forgotten anything, she headed out the door.

  Traffic was light and there was still some daylight left, but the cool breeze forewarned that rain might come later in the evening. Cassidy headed towards the corner, wanting to cross the street, and she waited for the light to turn red before stepping down off the curb. She shrieked in fright as a silver BMW came careening towards her, making her leap back onto the sidewalk. The car came to a full stop right in front of her.

  Cassidy let loose a mouthful of expletives.

  “You fucking asshole! Fucking idiot! Are you blind, you son of a bitch? Who taught you how to drive, Helen Keller? Useless piece of shit!”

  She saw her faint reflection in the heavily-tinted window as she was cursing the driver. She would have given the expensive monstrosity a hard kick just for effect, but the window slowly lowered to reveal the driver of the car.

  Recognition came fast as the rest of the words stuck in her throat.

  “You!” Cassidy gasped in disbelief at the face she thought would never see again.

  Tristan was grinning at her from the driver's seat with the same disheveled hair. Doesn’t he own a comb? The silly thought flashed through her brain.

  “Hi!” Tristan greeted her with a warm smile. “Get in,” he urged her, motioning towards the passenger seat.

  Cassidy wanted to stomp her feet in annoya
nce and keep walking. She realized how childish that would look, however, so she immediately stifled the impulse as she stood there, unsure what to do. The cacophony of honking horns from irritated drivers propelled her decision. She dashed towards the passenger door, opened it, and got in. She opted to look straight ahead and maintain a stony silence.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you that way.”


  “I just wanted to catch you before you crossed the street, that‘s all.”

  More silence accompanied by rolling eyes.

  “I passed by the coffee shop and saw it was closed. I was hoping to find you there. Then I saw you were about to cross the street.”

  She wasn’t ready to say anything yet. She really didn’t know what to say to him, but her heart was fluttering wildly inside her chest. He had been rushing to see her.

  “If you crossed the street before I got to you, the next turn is three blocks away. You would have been gone by the time I got back.”

  “So… you decided to run me over instead?” she asked heatedly.

  “No! No, of course not. I’m sorry if I scared you. I am everything you called me. I’m an asshole and an idiot. Also a real son of a bitch. Oh, and useless piece of shit.” With a wink he added, “And, yes, Helen Keller taught my Driver‘s Education class.”

  Cassidy couldn’t ignore the amusement in his voice. A grin was begging to be let loose on her face.

  “Okay, so I overreacted,” she began, “but it’s not every day that a flashy BMW comes hurtling towards me.”

  “Can I take you out to dinner to make up for my lack of consideration for your well-being?” Tristan smiled warmly.

  Cassidy was taken by surprise by the sudden invitation. He sounded like a true gentleman saying those words. And now that she had time to cool down and compose herself, she had to admit that she was thrilled to see him again. It was the last thing she’d expected to happen tonight.

  “Well… okay. Nothing fancy, though,” she smiled back. “I’m not exactly dressed for anything more than a hotdog and a coke.”

  “Will you settle for a pizza instead?” Tristan smirked.

  Cassidy nodded. She would settle for cat food if he offered, because right now it felt heavenly just being with him.

  He drove defensively and skillfully, expertly dodging traffic until he slowed down and came to a stop in a park near Lincoln Center. Cassidy stepped out and breathed in the cool evening air. They walked through the cobblestone pavement that crisscrossed under tall cedar trees with metal chairs strewn here and there were occupied by folks eating alfresco. A live band was playing nearby. Street vendors hawked flowers and an odd assortment of knick-knacks.

  This was what drew Cassidy to New York. It was a city that was so full of life; so vibrant, with its melting pot of strange and weird creatures. Tristan stopped by a red food truck, greeted the owner, and ordered a medium pepperoni pizza along with a pitcher of soda. Then he led her towards a wooden table and politely pulled out a chair while gesturing for her to sit.

  Cassidy fidgeted with her fingers before resting her chin on her hands. She looked everywhere except at him. When she finally got the nerve to do so, she discovered that he was gazing at her intently, head nodding with furrowed brows like he was coming to some conclusion.

  “What?” she asked, intrigued by the look on his face.

  “You’re just as mesmerizing as when I saw you last.”

  "And you’re still a mystery to me,” she replied back.

  He raised an eyebrow, shrugging his shoulders at the same time.

  “What do you wanna know?”

  “For starters, why did you leave such a huge tip? And the flowers that came the next day?”

  “Can’t you just be appreciative and say thank you?”

  “Oh, thank you! ” Cassidy exclaimed, feeling somewhat chastised. Why did he make her feel so guilty?

  “That’s my girl. And I was only kidding. In all seriousness, the tip was for your company. I made you stay longer at the café when you could have been on your way home and I felt lousy about that. The flowers… well, they were just to remind you how much I enjoyed talking to you,” Tristan explained with a gentleness and sincerity in his captivating eyes.

  “First of all, I’m not your girl,” Cassidy began, only to quickly be interrupted.

  “We could remedy that…” Tristan chuckled.


  This was getting confusing.

  Cassidy carried on like she'd misheard. She must have. Or did she?

  “Nobody leaves a $500.00 tip! Well, maybe in the movies they do, but not in the real world. And the flowers were a little too excessive for the pleasure of my company.”

  “So you didn’t like it?” Tristan asked in concern.

  “What? The tip?”

  "No, the flowers,” he answered.

  “Yes, I liked them. They were beautiful.”

  “So… you liked them?”

  “Yes, that‘s what I just said,” Cassidy replied in annoyance.

  “Then why are we even having this conversation?” Tristan joked.

  Cassidy looked at him in exasperation.

  “Tristan… I… I…”

  “I like it when you say my name.”

  “You’re an incorrigible flirt,” Cassidy accused with a grin.

  Tristan burst out laughing and she realized she liked the way it sounded.

  “Are you always this way with women?” she asked.

  “No, not always. Only to the ones I really like.”

  “So you like me then?”

  "What’s there not to like about you?” Tristan asked, giving her a sweeping look.

  “Duh! I work at a local café while you do beautiful photography… and drive a BMW. We have nothing in common.”

  “The car could just be a rental, and I could be a struggling photographer trying to make a name for myself,” Tristan answered with a serious face.

  “Is it a rental?” Cassidy’s brow raised in curiosity. “Somehow, I don’t think it is. You and that car make a good pair. It’s like you two belong together.”

  “It’s just a car, Cassidy,” Tristan laughed. “It doesn’t define who I am.”

  He didn’t answer her questions directly, but Cassidy was capable of reaching her own logical conclusions. She didn’t know much about luxury vehicles, but she knew enough to know he drove a very expensive one. One that he couldn’t possibly afford if he was just a struggling photographer.

  No, there was something more to him. Cassidy knew it. There was an air about him… and it drew her. She was intrigued by him. It wasn’t just the movie-star looks. Good-looking guys were a dime a dozen in New York. Even the gay men were ridiculously handsome. Tristan was different, however. He exuded authority somehow, like he always had the last word in everything, although he managed to camouflage it by his seemingly casual and friendly manner. Cassidy couldn’t put a finger on it yet, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that he was hiding something.

  A thought flashed through her mind and almost made her choke on her slice of pizza. It was piping hot and she was carefully trying not to burn her tongue.

  “Ahm you maw-ried?” she jumbled, reaching for the soda to push the food down her throat.

  “Excuse me?” Tristan chuckled.

  “Are you married?” she blurted, the words coming out clearly this time.

  Tristan shook his head, while replying, “No, no, no. I’m definitely not married, I promise you.” After a short pause he added earnestly, “Hell, I don’t even have a girlfriend. If I did, I would have mentioned it before I asked you out.”

  Okay, so he seemed straightforward and candid. That was like a breath of fresh air in New York City. She trusted he was being sincere, leaned back, and resumed eating. The pizza tasted even better now that she knew he was single.

  “That was a load off your mind, huh?” Tristan remarked with a grin.

  Cassidy nodded her head truthfully, remembering her
share of those knotty relationships. Most guys didn’t advertise their status or deliberately hid the truth. She was quite naïve when she first came to the Big Apple and had fallen prey a couple of times in the past.

  To her credit, those experiences had made her wiser and less susceptible to sweet talkers. She discovered that men were often intimidated by her candor. Most girls preferred to play the game of seduction with blatant disregard for the consequences. Too many stories of unwanted pregnancies and botched abortions had made her wary.

  Tristan felt different. There was real potential here, and she knew it. The thought that it might lead to something more excited and exhilarated her. And, right now, his attraction for her was obvious. She felt it in the way he looked at her. Like she was the only girl in the world.

  Cassidy recognized the reason she felt let down when he didn’t show sooner. Most guys would have pressed their intentions immediately just to prove they were interested, yet he didn’t. It took him almost a week to come looking for her, and this made her wonder what his game was.

  However, for once in her life she wanted to throw caution to the wind as she accepted her own attraction for him. She was overcome by a tingly feeling like cold water washing over her on a very hot summer day. Her body vibrated and hummed like she was coming to life.

  She also recognized the sexual arousal as her breasts tightened. Her nipples puckered, feeling sensitive as they rubbed against her cotton blouse. Tristan drew closer and Cassidy caught the slight movement through half-closed eyes. He was near enough that she caught the scent of the cologne he was wearing. She looked at him, her body language telling him it was okay to come even closer.

  For a split second she worried he wasn’t picking up on the cue until he finally leaned in and his shoulder touched hers. Like kindling touched by a match, her body lit up. She hoped he wouldn’t see her strong reaction. She’d play it cool with him, she silently resolved. She didn’t know enough about him yet to ignite the passion fire.