One Night with the Billionaire (A BWWM Romance) Read online

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  “Lie to yourself, Ebony, but not to me. I know you like this man, you probably are already half in love with him and you’d like for you three to be a family.”

  Dammit, Mama! “I do not.” It was a childish response, but it was all she had. “Not really.” Finding out that David wasn’t just rich but a billionaire was intimidating as hell, and she was pretty sure he wouldn’t be happy to see her.

  Tonya laughed. “You’ll figure it out, Ebony, you’re smart. Sometimes too smart. Good luck.”

  Ebony kissed her mama and Kim and then walked to her car. Here goes nothing.

  She pulled into the visitor’s lot at Camelot Studios, stuck the day pass in the window and locked the doors behind her. Dressed in an emerald maxi dress with gladiator sandals, she felt pretty and as confident as one could given the secrets between them. She strode confidently onto the lot where a production assistant told her they were on a break because lights were being set up.

  Turning to the craft services tent, she spotted the tall body with a shock of blonde hair and her heart thundered in her chest. Ebony walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. “Hello, David.”


  That voice. He knew that voice when it was laughing and flirtatious, when it was thick and husky with desire. He turned and his heart slammed against his chest at the sight of Ebony. The green dress she wore was hypnotizing in the way it hugged her curves, which she seemed to have more of these days. Her breasts were fuller and her hips rounded and enticing, smooth brown arms were toned and her long neck looked graceful as she looked down into his face. “Ebony. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “No fan girls allowed on the lot,” an ice cold blonde said over his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, do I know you?” Ebony recognized the aging actress but refused to give her the time of day. “So, how have you been?”

  David stood, recognizing the tension between Ebony and Bonnie, the lead actress on Disorderlies who had shown more than a passing interest in him. “I’ve been…alright. Why don’t we go talk in my trailer, catch up?” Hand firmly on her lower back, he guided her through the maze of trailers near the back of the lot. Door closed behind them, he turned to her. “What are you doing here?”

  “I, uh, saw you on the news and figured I drop in after class to say hi. So, hi.”

  That didn’t sound completely true. “Really? Even after that stupid game?”

  She gave a terse nod. “You hurt my feelings, but I should have expected it considering the situation.” Looking in his face, searching for something, she realized she’d made a mistake coming to him. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have come. Sorry for the bother.” She tried to slide past him but his big body blocked the door. “Excuse me,” she whispered.

  David frowned, green-gold eyes wide with confusion and then they cleared. “What do you want?”

  She looked confused and then angry. “What do I want?” She scoffed. “I didn’t come for anything, it’s just I’ve never just slept with a guy before and I wanted to say hi and see how you were doing, but obviously I need my head examined.” She pushed against his big body again, trying to get past him.

  He grabbed her upper arm and growled, “Half a million wasn’t enough and you’ve decided to come back for more?”

  Hazel eyes glittered with disappointment and hurt. Not anger. “Hardly that. Look, I’m sorry for coming here, pretend it didn’t happen and you’ll never have to see me again.” She tried twice to wrench herself from his grasp. “David, you’re hurting me.”

  He released her with a murmured apology. “Seeing you has knocked me off kilter.”

  Ebony took a step back. “A situation that will quickly be remedied, as soon as you let me past you.”

  He smiled. She was still as feisty as ever, but stronger and more confident. “I’m not sure if that’s what I want.” His hands cradled her face and tilted her up towards him. “I had fun that night with you. It was so hot I dreamed of you for weeks.” Then he took her mouth, kissing her until his need for her was at risk of spiraling out of control. His tongue swept across her full mouth and then inside her mouth, tangling and tasting her until he was breathless. I want her. The thought should have been obvious given the way he held her tight against his own body and devoured her mouth, yet he was still surprised at the thought. Eager hands landed on her breasts, heavy and full with arousal, and tweaked her nipples until she gasped.

  “David,” she moaned as his mouth left a wet hot trail across her neck and between her breasts.

  He wanted to rip the pretty little dress off of her and lay her across the nearest flat surface, burying himself so deep it would be impossible to tell where he ended and she began. He wanted to pound away until he was convinced that sex with her was no different, no more special than it was with other women. He needed that. Needed her.

  “Knock, knock,” Bonnie entered with a shocked smile on her face.

  “The point of knocking,” he growled in her direction, “is to actually knock, Bonnie.”

  “Sorry,” she said not looking sorry at all, “but your call time is in five minutes and the director wants to talk to you.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” he told her in a voice that dared her to say more.

  “Right, well, I’ll see you soon.” She stopped at the door, giving a snooty once over to Ebony. “Are we still on for dinner this evening?”

  He knew women like Bonnie and he hated these games. “Like I told you before, I have plans.”

  Smile faltering, Bonnie shrugged and left the trailer.

  David knew he would have to be more firm with Bonnie and to let her know in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t interested in her. Actresses came with too much drama, and at her age, Bonnie needed to secure her future. She wasn’t a film actress and soon the television parts would dry up. He was sure his status as a billionaire was her main attraction. “I need to get out there so I can finish this insufferable day.” He didn’t want to leave her, not now, but the hour he promised to give was almost up. “Can I have your number?” He shoved his phone into her hands as he slid the sleek grey jacket back on.

  Ebony’s fingers flew over the screen and she handed it back to him. “I won’t bother you again, David. I don’t want to get in the middle of…anything.” She waved towards the door and smoothed her hands over her dress.

  “There’s nothing to get in the middle of. I would tell you if there was.” He tucked his phone in his jacket and smashed a quick kiss to her mouth. “Gotta go.”


  With a goofy grin spread across her face, Ebony exited the trailer. That kiss had been better than she remembered and now she needed to cool her body down.

  “Stay away from David, bitch. He’s mine.”

  Ebony took in the scowling face of Bonnie Mason, noting the crow’s feet and smile lines she tried to hide under gobs of make up. The woman looked angry, underweight and desperate. “Really? Because that’s not what David said.”

  “Don’t make me tell you again, bitch. I will ruin you, little girl.”

  Ebony took a few steps closer, her resting bitch face in place. “Call me a bitch again.”

  Bonnie’s eyes darted around the secluded area by the trailers, fear evident in those big brown eyes. But her mouth curled into a snarling smile. “Oh, I’ll call you a lot more than that if you don’t back off. Trust me, I’m a celebrity and I know people. I will ruin your life. Ebony.”

  Ebony paused for a moment, wondering if she had enough star power to do it. Bonnie’s last show only lasted two seasons and this one was only on it’s first. Combined with a dozen or so television movies, Ebony felt confident enough to test her luck. “Give it your best shot, grandma.” She pressed even closer. “Let’s see how David responds to your treatment of his friends.”

  Bonnie placed both hands on her shoulders and pushed. “You ghetto bitch! Stay away from him!”

  Ebony, caught of guard, rushed towards Bonnie, only stopping once the woman slammed hersel
f against the trailer. “Touch me again and there’s not a plastic surgeon around who will be able to fix your face.”

  She turned to leave when Bonnie shouted, “This isn’t over!”

  “You don’t want to mess with me, lady. Just stay in your lane and we won’t have any problems.”

  “Security! Help, security!”

  Two uniformed men run over and grab Ebony by the arms. “Get your filthy hands off me, or I’ll charge all three of you with assault.”

  Bonnie laughed. “You and what army of lawyers?”

  Ebony held up her phone with a smile. “Ever heard of the internet, bitch?” There was a scuffle behind her that grabbed everyone’s attention.

  “You need to stay on set Mr. Henderson.”

  “Fuck you, Darren, get out of my way or I’ll make you.” David stared down the director who fought to appear unafraid in front of his crew.

  “We need to shoot this scene.”

  “Well, too damn bad! You’ve had me waiting all fucking day so you will give me five minutes or I’m out of here.” He pushed by the man and came up to Ebony’s side. “Everything alright?”

  “Other than the fact that your girlfriend assaulted me and then had these two goons do the same, just peachy.”

  He frowned, looking between her and Bonnie. “She isn’t my girlfriend. Let her go,” he said to the guards, brushing his hands up and down her arms.

  “I’d better go. You have my number…if you want to use it.” She waved and smiled, then turned and walked back to her car.

  Chapter Six

  Ebony. Sweet, beautiful, sexy Ebony. Not only had she tracked him down but she seemed open to more than a night together. Or maybe she realized she could get even more money from you, the bitter and cynical portion of his psyche reminded him. She wouldn’t be the first woman to look at him and see dollar signs, and probably not the last. But there was something in her eyes, something behind her bravado when she pretended not to recognize Bonnie that made him want to believe she was different. But he knew he needed to tread carefully, especially given how he’d acted the last time they were together.

  That was the part that didn’t make sense to him. She should hate him. He’d been the worst kind of jerk that morning, ensuring she wouldn’t seek him out and ask for another night. Or more money. Other than the kiss they’d shared in his trailer, Ebony had given no indication she wanted another night. She’d just stopped by to say hi. Really? There had to be more.

  Once he’d finally wrapped that stupid shoot Sarah had bullied him into doing, he’d quickly grabbed his coat and stalked off the lot. He needed to get away from these people, away from Bonnie, and into the safety of his car. But the damned determined woman had been waiting for him by his car. “David, we didn’t get a chance to talk. How about dinner?”

  “No can do. I have plans.” He’d tried to go around her but she moved to stand in his path.

  “Cancel them.” She’d smiled up at him with what he guessed was supposed to be a seductive pose but it fell flat.

  “No.” She frowned and he had to suppress a grin. “Excuse me.” He placed his hand on the handle, drawing the attention of his driver who hopped from the car and opened it for him.

  “Can you at least give me a ride? My driver seems to have disappeared.”

  David knew a phony ploy to be alone with him when he saw one, and this one could be trouble. Taking a step back, he looked at his driver. “Riley, give Miss Mason a ride home and then you can go home.” Bonnie’s smile told him she thought she had won so he held the door open while she slid against the buttery leather seats. “Good night, Bonnie.” He slammed the door with a smile, turning to his phone for another driver.

  He’d gotten home and spent the evening thinking about his night with Ebony. As much as he hated himself for forcing her to see that she too had a price, he still wanted her. What a bastard. He’d never claimed to be otherwise to any woman other than Sarah, yet whenever he thought of Ebony over the past year he felt a strange kick in his gut. He knew what it was but guilt held no place in his life. It was an unnecessary burden, even when felt keenly it did nothing to undo the act that caused the guilt.

  David decided to set aside his guilt and forget about Ebony. He’d lasted all of two days. Between dodging Sarah’s calls and avoiding Bonnie altogether, the only person capable of bringing a smile to his face was Ebony. Specifically Ebony in that green dress that looked like glittering emeralds draping her smooth cocoa skin. She’d been a vision, a welcome reprieve from the Botox and collagen injected women in his own social set. Her beauty was fresh, young and untouched.

  So he picked up his phone and tapped her name on the screen. And waited. “Ebony? It’s David.”

  There was a long pause before she spoke again. “Hi, David. How are you?”

  So polite. He smiled to himself. “I’m well. You?”

  She sighed. “Fine, thanks. What can I do for you?”

  Now that was a loaded question because the real answer was, come to my office and let me taste you again. Let me fuck you until you scream my name over and over. But he couldn’t say that. Not yet. “I thought you might like to grab a drink with me this evening.” He heard the disappointed sigh and surprisingly felt the same.

  “I can’t tonight. My management class only meets one night a week. Wednesdays from seven to nine.”

  He smiled. “You’re in school? That’s great.”

  “Yeah,” she said, and he could hear the smile in her voice. “I started pretty soon after…you know. I’ve had to slow down lately but I have two semesters remaining after this one. Then I graduate.”

  That went a long way to assuage his guilt. Ebony had taken her worth and turned it into an opportunity to better herself. Her life. “Then let me be the first to congratulate you. So how about a drink tomorrow night?”

  “That sounds good. How did your shoot go? Have you gotten the acting bug now?” She giggled and the sound went straight to his dick.

  He scoffed. “Hell no. The company publicist roped me into it and I hated every moment of it.” That was the truth and the reason he was still avoiding his sister.

  “That’s too bad, but it was a cool thing to do. So where should I meet you tomorrow?”

  She was a crafty minx, trying to keep them on a level playing field. Not that he could blame her, but he didn’t like it. “I could pick you up.”

  “That’s not necessary. I have my internship tomorrow until five so I’ll already be out. In fact, there’s a funky little wine bar close by called Glass Half Full on Grant and Western. I’ll meet you there around six?”

  Too early for dinner and a nightcap but not quite early enough to take her back to his place for a night of pleasure. “If we’re meeting at six, let’s make it dinner, then?”

  “Dinner would be nice, David, thank you. I need to get back to this project before, I, ah, lose my steam. See you tomorrow.”

  The call disconnected and David stared, dumbstruck. Women didn’t hang up on him and they didn’t rush him off the phone. Well, aside from Sarah. Then a smile spread wide. Ebony was determined to protect herself from him. Smart girl. Very, very smart.


  “I have no expectations when it comes to David, Mama. But I want to get to know him a little before I tell him about Kim.” That part was true, but she also wanted a little time with her fantasy guy before everything blew up. Chances were good that David Henderson, gorgeous billionaire who could have any woman he wanted, wouldn’t want to be saddled by a poor black baby mama and his mixed race baby. She blew out a long, frustrated breath. She would take these stolen moments of time away from her real world and tuck away the memories.

  “Make sure he’s a good man, Ebony. Don’t be blinded by charm and money. Lex can be charming when he wants to be, just remember that.” Tonya picked up her granddaughter, who cooed and smiled at her, and brushed a kiss on top of her sandy curls. “And for heaven’s sake, don’t sleep with him again.”

y smiled. “I promise, Mama.” She had on a pair of ugly flowered granny panties just to ensure that the drinks that turned into dinner wouldn’t turn into breakfast. It wasn’t like she could stay the night anyway, her breasts would fill up after too long and they would be difficult to hide. “I just want to know him.”

  “In that dress? Girl, tell that story to one of your friends because I don’t believe it one bit.” She laughed and lifted Kim in the air. “You don’t believe it either, do you sweet pea?”

  Kim babbled and drooled, eating more than kissing her grandma’s cheek. “See, Kim doesn’t believe you either.”

  Ebony rolled her eyes. “I need to feel confident. He’s from a different galaxy and I don’t want to feel out of place more than I already do. This dress isn’t revealing and my makeup is light, what’s the problem?” She happened to think she looked mighty fine in her turquoise dress that hugged her new baby boobs and flared out all around, brushing silk against her thighs.

  Tonya gave her daughter a get real look. “You don’t need to show much in that dress. You look beautiful and any man with eyes and good sense would want a piece of you.”

  She smiled. “Thanks, Mama. Don’t worry, I plan to be smart. It’s not just me anymore.” That, along with a painful and long pregnancy, was part of why she hadn’t even dated since that night with David. He’d ruined her for other men in ways both good and bad. With a quick kiss for her mama and her baby, Ebony grabbed the keys and left. She’d left work thirty minutes early and came home to change before meeting with David. “Wish me luck.”

  Ebony wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard her mama say something like, “You’re gonna need it, child.”

  Twenty minutes later, after a short walk from a public parking structure, she strolled into Glass Half Full and scanned the room for a tall blond with wide shoulders. “Looking for someone, beautiful?”

  She shivered at the sound of his deep voice in her ear, his warm breath smelled of cinnamon as it washed over her neck and shoulders. She took a deep breath to remind her that this was just a dinner to get to know the father of her child. Nothing more. She turned with a smile. “Yes, a tall, good-looking blond. Know anyone who fits that description?”