The Billionaire's Carnival Baby (A BWWM Romance) Page 5
In the picture he had his arm around an actress that Audra had never heard of. The article was about some gala affair—a charity auction. They were just one couple among dozens of glamorous couples who’d attended the function. She forced herself to read the sappy text until she found their names. She was an up and coming actress she’d never heard of and probably never would, and he was Kenneth Steele. ‘Billionaire playboy Kenneth Steele,’ was his complete title.
She reeled with the shock of the discovery, of confronting who the man was. He was a billionaire? She’d really made love to a billionaire? That made no sense. Billionaires were fantasy creatures, like unicorns. No one she knew had sex with a billionaire outside of a romance novel. That seemed as unreal as seeing his picture in the magazine. She’d imagined him as many things, but the idea that she’d had a wild fling with a minor celebrity hadn’t occurred to her. That didn't change anything, of course. She was reacting to the fact that suddenly her mystery man was a real person, or at least as real as anyone was when you saw them in a magazine or online.
She stared at that picture for a time feeling the memories and sensations flood back. She’d been so alive that night. Looking at his face, that body, she tingled as if he were touching her now. He could hear his whispered obscenities, feel his warm breath on her skin. She recalled them vividly now. The truth was she hadn't been able to get him completely out of her mind since that night in Ipanema. This man, this goddamn billionaire businessman, had totally rocked her world. He’d made her feel more alive than she’d ever felt in her life. She’d never had someone tease her into such wildness, but he’d managed it, and then he’d made love to her with an intense passion she’d never experienced before. If she were to be blunt, she’d say that he fucked her like she’d never been fucked before and left her wanting more.
Even though it had only been one single night, even though she didn't know him, she had felt a strong connection between them. Some high-voltage sexual chemistry that defied analysis and was as wanton and explosive as Carnival itself. And he’d left her with more than the memories, and even more than a fertilized egg beginning life in her womb—he’d left her with a powerful desire to see him again. If nothing else, her body longed to know if that passion was as strong as she recalled it being. Memories could be tricky things… and so was desire.
Until that exact moment when she found his green eyes staring out from the pages of a magazine, she had kept those feelings hidden from even herself. The incredible, arousing stare of the father of the child in her womb woke them. Finding out who he was seemed as incredible and almost as frightening as finding out she was pregnant. One random night in Brazil got her pregnant; a random flip through the pages of Gale’s magazine told her who the father of her child was. Suddenly, the fact that the baby did have an actual man as his father seemed relevant.
All she had to do was decide what to do about it.
She needed to talk to Terry. If anyone would know what to do, it was him. When she got home, she’d call her big brother and tell him the news.
Despite being out of touch with a lot of the changes that had hit life in the US while she was gone, Audra had stayed current with the internet. The cruise ship had a good connection, and the cabins all had wi-fi available for passengers and crew alike. She knew you could learn almost anything on the web if you were willing to take it all with a grain of salt and remain skeptical. As long as you were willing to double check things, you could find what you wanted without much of a problem.
Now that she knew the name of her father’s baby, Audra wanted to find out more about him. The search took the better part of thirty minutes, but she managed to dig up what she needed. Kenneth Steele, actually a billionaire, was the owner of a variety of companies and the major stockholder of Steely Investments. His name and face were all over the business and society pages. She even found an article that mentioned him taking his yacht to Rio for Carnival—their festival.
In fact, now that she was aware of him, she found it hard to avoid mentions of him. He was linked to a broad variety of women in various, typically salacious ways. Young movie stars, like the one in the first picture she’d seen, along with other hot female celebrities all seemed to enjoy being seen with him and, inevitably, having stories written about them—ranging from wild and scandalous speculations to plausible assignations. Her own experience suggested that he was an incredible lover who didn't mind slipping away in the early hours of the morning.
Nonetheless, it appeared he was considered a prime catch. The catching part had proved rather elusive, however. Of course, some of the women might have just enjoyed the publicity itself. It certainly did none of them any harm to be seen with him, even when it was generally thought that any woman who went out with him went to bed with him.
He was a widower, and all this press had started a year after he’d lost his wife. A form of grieving? A change in values? A man unshackled? It was impossible to tell, and ultimately, it didn't really matter. Although the memories of their night together were enough make her pulse race, she didn't want to con herself. If he’d wanted more to do with her than what they’d had, he would've made an effort to contact her or perhaps left a clue to his identity. No, one night, as fantastic as it had been, was all she’d ever have of him.
She had responsibilities now, and that meant being practical. She would let him know he was a father and find out if he was willing to do anything to ensure his child’s health and future. As difficult as it may be, she would suppress any other thoughts. They had no future together because they had no present together. He was a womanizer who had enjoyed her, or so she flattered herself.
The odds were she’d get the brush off. Lawyers would descend to scare her off, and possibly offer a settlement to keep her quiet about the paternity. All sorts of things were possible, but none of them would happen until she reached out. She needed to be clear that she wanted to see what help he’d offer, if any, but that she wasn't a beggar or a con artist. She had no interest in blackmailing him with her story; threatening to go to the press or anything like that. She didn't want a confrontation. This was merely an inquiry—an attempt to give him information.
She’d be realistic. If his people offered her money, it would help her raise their child. She’d take it in a heartbeat. She’d allow herself to be bought off for the sake of the baby. She’d negotiate for the best deal she thought she could get and let anything else go.
It didn't matter if he publicly acknowledged the baby. That wouldn't feed them or get the baby medical care. She’d abandon any fanciful ideas of rekindling a romance between herself and the man who’d made love to her in that doorway in Ipanema. They were there, floating about and irritating her, but she’d bury them and see if he was simply willing to help. However it turned out, her job was to make the best life she could for herself and their baby.
If he refused, she’d simply walk away. She hadn't the resources, interest, or energy to fight for anything. If he wouldn't help, then she needed to move on, and possibly take Terry up on his offer. Maybe she’d think of something else, but she’d have to take some form of action—move forward and not sit around mooning over this man. After all, a day ago she hadn't even known who he was. Knowing his identity didn't change anything other than to give her an opportunity to contact him, so that’s what she would do.
Yes, it was time to be cold and practical. Her future and that of her baby depended on it. That was the reality. Her emotions had to take a back seat. Even if it was true that she still dreamed about him in glorious, erotically-enhanced color. Even if she ached for his touch at night.
Myeisha read the email over several times. With each reading she thought she was getting a clearer picture of something that had puzzled her and Kenneth Steele both. If it was true, it shed some light on that confused night in Ipanema. On several levels it didn't seem possible—it hinged on an improbable coincidence.
The email was from a wom
an she’d never heard of. It had been sent to Kenneth’s office in New York, then forwarded to her along with the usual mix of fan letters, death threats, business proposals, and general inquiries that he was bombarded with on a daily basis. Part of her job was to find the one email in a thousand that was actually of interest to Kenneth or his companies.
This one definitely stood out to her. Although it was similar to others in its content, it was quite specific in the date, time, and location. If it hadn't been so matter-of-fact, so businesslike, she might have done what she did over ninety percent of the time: hit the delete key. But this wasn't an appeal, or a threat, or an enticement. It was a simple, direct statement of what the woman consider facts.
“Dear Mr. Steele,
You won’t recognize my name—you never knew it. We met in Ipanema during Carnival. I was wearing a floral domino mask. We danced in an open-air bar. You made love to me in a doorway, and then we went to my room. In the morning you were gone. Now I’m having your child. I saw your picture in a magazine and realized who you were, finally, and I thought you should know, in case it matters to you.
—Audra Dawn”
She considered this woman’s story, trying to determine if it fit with what she knew, and if it answered any questions. Kenneth had never gotten his balance back after Rio. Not around her, at least. Things were strained. He couldn't bring himself to ignore her, but he’d stopped talking to her as a person. He seemed fixated on the idea that they’d spent a night together. Of course that was utter nonsense, and it was poisoning things between them. The look he’d been giving her had begun to feel creepy and unpleasant. When they’d returned to the States, she’d even offered to quit.
“I’m aware that there’s something weird between us,” she’d said.
“Weird? I guess you could say that,” he’d replied, sounding bitter, almost hostile.
“I haven’t encouraged you in any way.”
“Well… I don’t know how to respond to that. At any rate, I can’t afford to lose you. Not now.”
Shortly after, he’d given her an unexpected raise. When she’d told him she was engaged to Bruce, he’d seemed more resigned than anything else.
“Do you want me to quit now?” she’d asked.
“I’d like to give you a wedding present,” he’d answered. “How about letting me pay for your honeymoon? Anywhere you want to go.”
Bruce had liked that; of course she hadn't told him about the other weirdness. He’d been unhappy about the situation since the first time she casually mentioned Kenneth hitting on her. She was certain Bruce harbored a grudge against Kenneth for the attempted kiss.
“Maybe the old goat wants to apologize,” he’d suggested.
Maybe he did. And maybe now Myeisha had a clue, a hint to whatever triggered his sudden change in Ipanema. But why would spending the night with another woman make him act the way he did? She wanted to get to know this woman, to see what she was like, so her first step was to arrange a meeting. She composed a polite response.
“Dear Ms. Dawn,
My name is Myeisha Martin. I am Kenneth Steele’s private assistant and your email was sent to me. What you said is intriguing, and I would like to meet face-to-face with you to discuss it before I pass your message along to Mr. Steele. I can be in New Orleans on any day this week. If you wish to take this to the next step, please pick a place and time. I’d be glad to buy you lunch or dinner, and we can discuss the events in Ipanema. If you still have the mask you wore, could you please bring it with you?
Myeisha Martin”
When she hit send, she sat back and crossed her arms behind her head. If she was right about what had happened… That thought trailed off as she realized she needed to wait and see what sort of response she got, and if the woman followed up, learn a bit more. Speculation wasn't useful. Of course, knowing that Kenneth seemed to think he had bedded her in Brazil, and now learning that he might have gotten this woman pregnant, made the possible scenarios very interesting indeed.
The news made Gale laugh. Audra wasn't sure she wouldn't regret it, but she hadn't been able to resist telling her that she’d located the baby’s father.
“He’s a New York businessman. I found out where he works and sent him an email telling him about the baby.”
She hadn't mentioned his identity or how she’d learned it. She felt the need to share only so much since the rest was too outrageous. However, even though she could be a pain in the ass, Gale was always there for her.
“And you got an answer? He got back to you?” she asked excitedly.
“Well, I got a reply from his personal assistant,” Audra replied with a shrug. “I guess she’s screening me or something. Says she wants to meet me before passing my message along to him.”
“That’s good, right? Wait, your guy has a personal assistant?”
“I don’t know if it’s good yet, and yes, apparently he does.”
“He must have money,” Gale noted. “What does he do for a living?”
Audra decided to hedge by replying, “I have no idea.”
“You might want to find out. Guys who have personal assistants have both money and a reputation to protect. He might want to make sure he does right by his kid.”
“Or he might want to make sure that I don’t make waves and let the world know he has a bastard child. Not that there’s much stigma to that these days, but who knows?”
“I suppose that could be important to him,” Gale agreed. “What are you going to do?”
“Since I made contact with them, it would a bit silly of me to back out now. I've agreed to let this Myeisha person, his personal assistant, buy me dinner.”
“Dinner?” Gale questioned with a raised brow.
“She offered to buy and didn't blink at my choice of an expensive French restaurant. If I don’t get anything else out of the deal, I'll get a good meal.”
“Wait a minute… you said he was a New York businessman.”
“She’s flying in for a day to see me.”
Gale giggled. “Flying in for dinner? He must be a hell of a businessman.”
Clearly she’d have to tell her friend the whole story. Realizing this, Audra took a breath and came clean.
“It seems he is. His name is Kenneth Steele.”
Gale stood in shock, and for a brief moment Audra thought her friend’s heart had stopped.
“The Ken… Kenneth Steele?” Gale finally sputtered. “The goddamn billionaire?”
“I've only heard about one, so I guess so.”
“You had sex with Kenneth Steele? You slept with that incredible hunk and didn't even know who he was?” Gale questioned with a hint of incredulity.
“I didn't have a clue,” Audra shrugged. “Sincerely, I didn’t.”
“Don’t you know that man is responsible for more wet panties than porn movies?”
“As you've pointed out many times, I don’t know much of anything, Gale.”
“And his personal assistant is coming to New Orleans just to see you? To talk about you having his baby?”
“Seems so,” Audra shrugged again.
“Damn,” Gale laughed. “The media try and connect him with half the starlets and sexy businesswomen in the world, and you, my friend, actually banged him. In Brazil, nonetheless. You spent a whole night with him naked in your bed.”
“And got knocked up,” Audra pointed out.
“This is going to be so incredible, Audra. I mean, your baby will have that man’s genes,” she said with sparkling eyes.
“You make it sound like a fairy tale.”
“It is!” Gale burst, giddy with excitement. “You’re going to continue this amazing adventure girl, and if he’s half the man the press say he is, I expect to be invited to the wedding.”
“Wedding? You think a skirt chaser like Steele will want to marry me just because I’m pregnant? I think you’re getting way ahead of things here, girlfriend,” Audra chuckle
“No I’m just thinking of the most likely outcome. Once he gets to know you…”
“You have a strange and probably totally unfounded faith in me, Gale,” Audra smirked, shaking her head in amusement. “That’s not even on my wish list yet. That idea is way too far out there, but I have to say I appreciate the encouragement.”
That much was true. Even when her efforts seemed annoying and off the mark, Gale was sincerely trying to show support. Who did that these days? And her enthusiasm was infectious.
Count your blessings, Audra Dawn.
Audra’s first impression of Myeisha was total shock. The look on the other woman’s face told her that she wasn't hallucinating either—Myeisha had the exact same reaction.
“Are we sisters or something?” Myeisha asked in bewilderment.
Audra laughed as she shook Myeisha’s hand. Other than the fact that Myeisha dressed in much more expensive, more fashionable clothing, they looked shockingly alike. They had different hairdos—Myeisha had shoulder-length dreadlocks that she’d had dyed a soft brown, and Audra wore hers in gold-wrapped cornrows—but aside from that, they could easily double for each other.
“To the best of my knowledge I have no sisters, but suddenly I’m open to the possibility that my parents forgot to mention one,” Audra said, and Myeisha’s grin showed her that the woman had a good sense of humor. When Myeisha ordered wine, Audra grinned and touched her belly. “Iced tea for us,” she told the waiter.
It was odd to gaze across a table and feel like you were looking into a mirror, and it took a few minutes for the two women to come to terms with their obvious similarities.
“Remarkable,” Myeisha finally said in awe. She touched her nose and rubbed the side of it.
“You seem like something’s on your mind,” Audra noticed. “Well, other than how alike we look.”
“The truth is that from the moment you contacted me, I had an odd suspicion,” Myeisha confessed, and quickly clarified, “About your encounter with Kenneth Steele, I mean.”