One Night with the Billionaire (A BWWM Romance) Page 5
His face brightened when he smiled and it took every ounce of willpower she possessed not to gasp at how handsome he looked with a smile on his face. I’ve never seen him really smile, she thought. “I don’t know about good looking, but I’m here.”
“You’ll do,” she told him over her shoulder as they were lead to their seats. They took their seats and sat quietly, staring at their menus and avoiding each other.
“What looks good?”
You. “I don’t know, maybe the salmon or the steak.” She hadn’t been on a date in so long she had no idea how to act. “You?”
One side of his mouth kicked up in a smirk. “I would say you but I don’t think you’d appreciate that.”
She smiled at him because she did appreciate it. But he didn’t need to know that. “It’s nice to be wanted.”
“Why did you agree to dinner?”
So much for an easygoing meal. She couldn’t tell him why, not yet. “I was curious about you.” That much was true. He’d pleasured her body to the point of pain and exhaustion, then he’d done his best to shatter her heart in case she had any delusions of a fairytale ending.
“Well, Ebony, what would you like to know? My net worth? How many homes and planes I have?”
Right. What madness made her think there was something more under that ice cold exterior? It was nothing but stupid hope. Hope that her daughter might end up with a better father than she’d had. “Of course, because what else could I be curious about?” She stood and grabbed her bag. “Thanks for clearing that up for me, David. Good night.” Ebony made sure she kept her head held high as she exited the building, refusing to let the tears fall that stung her eyes. She wouldn’t cry again, not over him. David proved again that he was not worth it.
Now that she knew the type of man he was, she could just tell him the truth about Kim. Tell him he had a daughter and if he cared, figure out how he could see her. If he wanted to. Stopping at a red light, she buttoned her coat up against the windy evening and crossed the street, ignoring the deep voice calling out to her.
David Henderson could go straight to hell.
“She just walked out!” David was still outraged days later when his sister finally caught up with him. Instead of berating him, she’d taken one look at him and known something was wrong.
Sarah rolled her golden green eyes and crossed her arms in disbelief. “You mean after you accused her of wanting you for your money? How dare she!” She hoped her mock outrage came through clearly. “You know, big brother, you think women only want you for your billions but you don’t really give them a chance to get to know the man behind the money.” She rounded his desk and patted his shoulder. “Maybe you should just go out with Bonnie. She wants your money and that will make your world right again.”
David scowled up at her smiling face. “I don’t think so. That woman is a viper and if I’m going to be with someone who wants my money, I have to be able to tolerate her.”
Sarah shrugged. “She keeps calling, trying to convince me that you both could benefit from being seen out together.”
He glared. “If you do that, Sarah, I will not only fire you, but I won’t speak to you ever again.”
She took in the fierceness in her brother’s face and decided to give him a break. “Fine, but you should know she’s been following you.”
“What!” He stood and roared the word, causing Sarah to step back cautiously.
“She told me some groupie showed up on set, caused trouble and she saw you two looking cozy at a wine bar. So, is this the same groupie?”
“She’s not a goddamn groupie! I met her a year ago and we had one night together. She wanted to catch up and so did I, so we did. Or we would have if she hadn’t walked out.” And refused to take his phone calls.
Sarah gave him a knowing smile. “Ah, I see. Do you want me to set up another date?”
“No. I want you to forget it. This isn’t part of your job.” He had to find a way to get Ebony to talk to him again, but he still didn’t know where she lived or her last name. “I can’t believe she walked out. She didn’t even turn when I called out to her.”
“You must have really insulted her or pissed her off.”
He’d done both. But Ebony was no longer the sweet innocent she once was and he had a feeling he was to blame for that as well. Something had changed, made her a no nonsense type. “Obviously, but I went after her. That’s what she wanted, right?”
Sarah shook her hand and reached across the desk to place her hand over his. “My poor stupid brother. If she was playing that game, she wouldn’t have been a block away by the time you got off your ass. You upset her.” She stood and gathered her tablet. “Figure out what you want from her before you approach her again.” With those parting words, Sarah left, leaving David alone with his thoughts. Again.
He’d screwed up royally. Normally women were turned on by the misbehaving billionaire. They enjoyed the challenge of trying to tame him, domesticate him. And David enjoyed letting them try, knowing it was just an act and therefore impossible to change. He hadn’t expected Ebony to be different, yet she’d proven again that she was. He hadn’t treated her right—again—so she’d stood and walked away from him.
He smiled, knowing he was responsible for that. “I’m going to find you, Ebony, and make you mine.”
Chapter Seven
It was time. That was what Ebony repeated to herself when she woke up one morning. It didn’t matter that David was an arrogant asshole, or that he was mean and thought so little of her. He needed to know he had a daughter. She would deal with his reaction, whatever it was. Now that she was under no illusions about the kind of man he was, she felt confident that she could drop-kick her libido and arm-bar her hopeful heart if either of them started to get ideas about David Henderson.
After she’d had a few days to sit with the idea of telling him about Kim and once she was sure her heart was sufficiently hardened, she sent him a text. Lunch tomorrow at Wilson Park? There, it was done.
The reply came quickly. I can’t wait!
Ebony could most certainly wait, but it was too late to back out since she’d just entered the south entrance of the park. Stomach too nervous for food, she’d opted for a simple pretzel and a power smoothie, most of which was already gone. He would be there any minute and she wasn’t ready to see him. Not yet. It was too soon. If she left right now, she could be out of the park before he even spotted her.
“Going somewhere?”
Dammit. Fixing a polite smile on her face she turned. “I changed my mind about not being hungry and I wanted to go back for something else. But you’re here now so we can just sit.” She was babbling, she knew it. But it was a nervous tick that just happened.
With an amused grin he nodded his head toward an empty picnic table. “Come on. If you’re nice, I’ll share my lobster roll with you.”
He winked and she foolishly followed those green-gold eyes anywhere. He was tall and handsome with a confident walk that was hard to ignore. At least I get to look at his butt if I walk behind him. There, she was at least trying to be an optimist. They took a seat at the table and she hoped that nothing embarrassing happened, like getting a splinter in her ass. Ebony sat and sucked on her straw, staring out at the green leaves and grass, waiting for David to say something.
“So, how have you been, Ebony?”
“Fine. Busy.” The silence was uncomfortable but she refused to be the one to break it. So she went back to the smoothie.
“I’m sorry, Ebony. I was a total jackass last time and you’ve done nothing to deserve that.”
She knew it wasn’t true. He had five hundred thousand reasons to think she was after his money. Ebony held up a hand to stop him. “You don’t ever have to apologize for being who you are. It was my fault for having unrealistic expectations and thinking you weren’t exactly how you presented yourself.” She laughed to herself. “I thought it was an act you constructed to protect yourself, b
ut I was wrong.”
David wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all. That was exactly what he’d been doing! “I don’t normally behave that way, I swear. But something about you makes me say the wrong thing.” He took a bite of his sandwich and chewed. Obviously it was her turn to talk.
“Apology accepted, but unnecessary. I did have something else I actually wanted to talk to you about.” Ebony paused and took a long breath, preparing to say the words that would change his life. “There’s no easy way to say this but—”
His phone vibrated on the table and he scooped it up with his free hand. All thoughts of Ebony forgotten. “Yeah, what is it? What? No, that’s not right.” He gave a frustrated sigh and slammed his sandwich on the table. “Fine. I’ll be back in ten minutes, get everyone to the conference room.” He disconnected the call and look at her with a sad smile. “I have to go.”
With a small smile Ebony nodded. “Go take care of business. That’s what you do.” She watched him go, enjoying the confident stride, his long gait and sexy swagger. The easy way he tossed his trash in the bin, so sure it wouldn’t dare go anywhere but where he wanted it. The man was a fine piece of artwork. She smiled at her ridiculous thoughts and stood, making her way out of the park.
“Ebony, when you gonna let me hit that?”
She stiffened at the sound of Lexington’s voice, turning and preparing for battle. “Not interested, Lex.” She started walking as soon as she caught a glimpse of his glassy eyes, slurred speech and overall disorientation. He was high on something and therefore more unstable that usual. “Have a good night.”
“Oh, I see. You’re too good to be my woman but you’re happy being some white man’s hoe.” He practically spat the words behind her.
She walked faster, eager to get out of the park. “I am no one’s whore, Lex, and I don’t intend to be.”
“I bet you spread those pretty legs for him and let him fuck you hard. Do you get down on your knees and let him fuck your mouth? I’ll happily fuck you everywhere, baby.” His laugh was angry and bitter and Ebony felt relief when she was outside the park.
She said nothing, just kept her head down and kept walking.
“His real girlfriend, the white girl, she’s been following you around. She came up to me the other day wanting to know all about you. I told her you were my bitch and I just hadn’t tamed you yet.” His laugh was menacing. “She told me all about your date at that wine bar, hoping I would punish you good.”
She stopped and turned to him. “Why can’t you leave me alone? I am not dating anyone.” She turned away and stomped away.
“That bitch is gunnin’ for you, Ebony, and you’re a damn fool if you think you can beat that rich white woman. She wants that white dude and she’s gonna have him. Give up now. Might as well be my bitch now, Ebony, before I don’t want your fine ass no more.”
She rolled her eyes and let his words roll off her back until she was sure Lex had stopped following her. His cruel words had hit the mark and that left her cold and angry, wondering if David was even worth this hassle. She reached her bus stop and whipped out her phone.
Your girlfriend has been following me. Do something about it or I’ll make sure the police do. –E
“Mr. Henderson, there is a Miss Mason here to see you. She doesn’t have an appointment.”
David rolled his eyes, already acquainted with this game. But he had a conference call in fifteen minutes so he pressed the intercom button again. “Bring her back, Mrs. Weston, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure thing, sir,” she said with a smile in her voice.
Moments later Bonnie entered his office in front of his executive assistant. “Leave the door open, please, Mrs. Weston.” Both women held surprised looks, but David kept his features unreadable. When Alice left he turned to Bonnie. “What are you doing here?” Of course David knew exactly why she was at his office. After that strange text from Ebony he’d called the one person he knew might be able to talk some sense into her. Her publicist.
She smiled in a way that she meant to be seductive but looked brittle and desperate. “Hello, stranger. We had great chemistry on set and I’ve waited for you to call, but now here I am.”
“There’s a reason I haven’t called you. I’m not interested.”
She pouted and anger flared in her eyes, but she quickly doused it and masked it with a malicious stare. “When you know the truth about your little black whore, you’ll change your mind.”
He stiffened and frowned at her harsh words, taking a moment to stand. His height was a great tool in his arsenal, working effectively to intimidate people. David talked to where she was posed, stopping a few from her. “Even if I never see her again, I don’t want you Bonnie. Now if you come here or call me, or show up where I am, I will be sure to see through the threat you made to Ebony.” Bonnie may have been a television star who could intimidate regular people like Ebony, but as a billionaire he wielded more power than she could ever fight against. Never mind the war chest he could use to ruin her.
Bonnie stared up at him, brown eyes wide in fear that was quickly replaced with contempt. “You just wait until you find out about her.”
“Bonnie, stop! I will never date you, not for any reason. So stop all this before the press finds out you’re stalking me. Can your little show handle that type of insurance?”
She opened her mouth and shut it before getting herself together. “You never even gave me a chance.”
“Which is my right. You don’t get to have everything you want in this life, Bonnie, don’t make me have to illustrate that for you in greater terms.” He walked out of his office and stood near the door. “Mrs. Weston, Miss Mason was just leaving.”
Bonnie strode out with her head held high, but David wasn’t naïve enough to think he’d seen the last of her. She wanted him, or rather his money, and she was determined to smear Ebony to do it. He wouldn’t let that happen.
Picking up his phone, David called Ebony.
She didn’t answer.
Chapter Eight
“You’ve been ignoring me.” David’s voice was like silk over her skin, making her wish he’d come closer and take a step back.
“I’ve been busy.” She had been ignoring him because she’d lost her nerve, both where her heart and mind were concerned. She’d spent every free moment holding her sweet baby tight and trying not to notice that she had her father’s eyes. She’d begun to panic thinking about how a rich arrogant man like David would react. He would either offer a huge settlement to keep her quiet or he’d try to take Kim away from her home.
“Too busy for me?”
She shrugged. “You seem like a busy guy, I figured you would understand.”
He nodded with a knowing smirk. “You’re upset. Is it Bonnie or that I left early?”
She smiled, thinking how well that king of the world routine must work with gold diggers. “I’m not mad. Like I told you, I was busy.”
He leaned close while she slipped on a sweater. “I happen to know your shift is over now, so how about we have lunch now?”
This would be the perfect time to tell him about the baby, but her stomach turned over at the idea. She wasn’t ready. Not yet. “I have an hour before class.” He didn’t believe her but Ebony didn’t care.
“We can eat near the college, then. Which one?”
Damn him. “Shut up and come on.” She pulled him across the street and a few blocks later they entered a Spanish restaurant. “This place has great paella. I’ve only ever had it once but its delicious.”
As soon as they sat down David spoke. “Tell me what I did.”
She sighed and looked at him. “You didn’t do anything, David. I’m just not sure I did the right thing seeking you out.”
“But you did.”
Because she was an idiot. Maybe she was a masochist, seeking out a man who delighted in saying awful things. It didn’t matter that he was her child’s father. All that mattered was that he w
as the worst. “I never said I made smart decisions.” After all, one of those decisions would bring him into her life until one of them died. She sighed heavily, wishing she could get a do over for today.
“I handled Bonnie. At least I think I did. I can’t tell because she’s kind of insane.”
“Must be the lure of the billionaire,” she deadpanned. Ebony was thankful the waiter interrupted when he did because she didn’t want to talk about it.
He blushed at her words. “You’re not still mad about that, are you? I apologized.”
And in his world all it took was an apology and him batting those long blond lashes. “If you tell me I’m mad one more time, you will make me mad."
David laughed and held up his hands in surrender. “Okay. Fine. Not mad. But not happy or excited or enthusiastic.”
It wasn’t a question. “No. None of those either.” She liked being around him, she was intrigued. Infatuated. But so far she felt worse about herself after being with him. Was she projecting or was that how he made her feel? Ebony didn’t know. Didn’t care either since he had a right to know about their little girl.
David sighed. “Am I wasting my time, Ebony?”
She shrugged, her gaze direct as she took in his expression. It was one of resignation and…disappointment? It couldn’t be. That was definitely her silly mind conjuring up wishes. “Only you can answer that.” Taking in the frustration emanating off him she sighed. “I’m not trying to be coy or difficult, David. Just honest.”
He looked like he wanted to protest but let it go instead and nodded. “Okay. Why don’t we enjoy this meal together and see what happens?”
She smiled. “I can do that. Did you get that problem solved the other day?” He’d looked so pissed off and frustrated that day, she remembered.