Escort by Mistake (Contemporary BWWM Billionaire Romance) Page 5
“You do?” He grinned. “Like this? Take off your robe.”
Cassidy flushed again. She felt the fires start burning inside. She stood up and slowly undid her robe, letting it fall to the floor. She took the waist tie and draped it around her neck like a scarf.
“Yes,” Tristan breathed. He walked around the table and took her in his arms. She took the tie from around her neck and draped it over his head. “We don’t need that,” Tristan said as he tossed it to the floor. She felt his hardness pressing against her abdomen. She felt warm all over as she pulsed inside with desire.
Tristan pushed her against the table, sweeping the cups to the side. She lay on the immense table, and wrapped her thighs around him, crossing her legs behind him.
“Oh, yes, you are so warm and wet.” His hand caressed her lips gently and then his thumb found her clit.
Shock waves pulsed through her body. She didn’t know she could cum so fast. The tip of his shaft found her entrance and lightly pushed as his fingers worked their magic.
“Tristan, Tristan! I’m cumming. Cum inside me right now”
His pushed the entire length of his shaft into her. She felt the thrill of pulsing all around him. She wrapped her legs tighter, pushing against his buttocks, as he began a steady rhythm, sending her into an ecstasy of passion.
“Now,” he cried. “Now.”
She felt him shoot into her as her walls pushed against his shaft.
He fell beside her on the table. He placed his arm across her chest, his strong fingers gently caressing the side of one breast. They both sighed at the same time.
Tristan started laughing. “Well, that’s what I think they call a quickie.” He looked into her eyes. “Was it good for you, my Cass?”
She nodded her head, still panting.
"Well, you certainly distracted me from reading your story,” he joked and the two laughed together.
Chapter Five
Tristan traced his strong fingers across Cassidy’s jaw line as she talked on the phone with a coworker.
“Hi, Melanie.”
She playfully batted away Tristan’s hand. He stuck out his index finger and started tracing lines around her breasts.
“Yeah. Uh-huh.”
Tristan slid his finger up to her nipple and Cassidy sucked in her breath.
“No, I’m fine. Hey, I’m wondering could you cover for me tomorrow?”
Tristan bent his head down and kissed her between her breasts.
“You can? Oh, that’s just great! I owe you a day. Thanks.”
She turned her face to Tristan with a smile.
“Okay. That’s done. So what’s the big mystery? Hey, look at me.”
She touched the back of his head. He stopped tracing her breast and lifted his face. His grey-green eyes looked into hers.
“I want to take you into my world. We’ve been hanging out together here. We have our own little mini-space, you and me.” He smiled.
“I thought we could start sharing our lives in the outside world. I want to introduce you to one part of my life.”
Cassidy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did he really want more? Sharing lives? Don’t get carried away. This was a new development. How would she share back? Her mind went blank. What did she have to share? When she thought about it. Her life was pretty boring. Work and then more work. She certainly wasn’t going to tell him about the escort service.
“But I want it to be a surprise,” Tristan said. “So tomorrow we’ll have a late morning brunch here and then we’ll be off.”
“What should I wear?” Cassidy was uncertain about her wardrobe meeting his upscale artsy photographic world. Were they going to a photographic exhibit?
“Something simple and elegant. You look good in everything. You’re such a treat to the eyes, Cass.”
“Hmm,” she replied, mentally cataloging her wardrobe.
“It’s outside. So make it easy to wear.”
Outside? Were there photo exhibits outside? Cassidy was mystified.
He really did keep it a secret. She didn’t find out until the next day.
They didn’t head to the west side or downtown. Tristan threaded the streets heading east. Cassidy kept seeing signs for Long Island and they drove past large homes surrounded by acres of greenery.
“Where are we going?” Cassidy was mystified. She smoothed her red silk dress.
Tristan glanced at her. “You look great! Fantastic! Stunning!”
“You didn’t answer the question.” Cassidy realized she wasn’t into surprises as much as she thought she was.
He veered onto a country road. “We’re almost there.”
A few more turns and they were at Bethpage State Park. Five world class golf courses. Golf? Tristan didn’t seem the type. And he wasn’t dressed in golf clothes and she hadn’t seen any clubs. They drove into the park, Tristan took a turn and they were at the Polo Grounds. He pulled up, parked, ran around the car, and opened the door.
“You’re going to see my baby,” Tristan smiled like a kid with a new toy.
“Your baby? What baby?” Cassidy was worried. He had a baby? There was another woman? Thoughts raced through her mind.
Tristan took her hand as she got out of the BMW. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”
He led her past some tents and toward polo ponies tied in a line. Cassidy was glad she had on low heels. He feet sank in the grass.
“Antonio!” Tristan cried.
A very handsome man in white pants and a colored shirt turned and waved.
“She’s all ready,” he said as he patted the rump of the horse.
Cassidy was a little hesitant. She’d never spent much time around horses. As far as she knew they were big and unpredictable.
“Come on,” Tristan said, tugging at her hand. “Meet, Bellissima.” He walked up to the horse and talked to her while petting her neck. “Cassidy meet Antonio. Antonio, Cassidy.”
Antonio gave her a hearty handshake, then turned to Tristan.
“I’ve been riding her every day. I think she’s ready to do well today.”
Cassidy put out her hand. Bellissima nuzzled her palm with soft lips.
“She likes you,” Antonio said. “Usually she’s a bit skittish around new people.”
“That’s great. We’ll see you after the match,” Tristan took Cassidy’s hand and walked her toward the tents.
They went straight to the VIP section. The next couple of hours were filled with words Cassidy didn’t know like chukker, backshot, and bump. Horses thundered up and down the field. Everything was so fast Cassidy wasn’t sure how to follow even when Tristan explained.
The VIP section and the people were a challenge. The women sported bare shoulders and midriffs, spiky heels, dramatic long flower print dresses, sequins. It seemed as though anything was okay as long as it was expensive. People greeted Tristan. There were questions like, “Where have you been?” and “Haven’t seen you lately,” followed by discreet glances at Cassidy.
Tristan got involved in a conversation about veterinarians. Cassidy stood silently at his side feeling out of place. She knew nothing of polo ponies or their medical concerns.
“I love your dress,” a voice beside her said. “It’s so sleek.” The woman who purred these words was a stunning brunette with flawless complexion, dark eyes, and a yellow print dress beaded around the neck and bodice.
Cassidy knew in an instant that she could read plain for sleek.
“How did you meet Tristan? He’s such a hunk.” More purring.
“It was by chance,” Cassidy replied, trying to think fast. She knew working as a barista in a café was out of this woman’s frame of reference. Art. Photography. That was it. She had a feeling that many of the people here were patrons of Tristan’s images.
“He took a photo of me and we started up a conversation.”
“I see,” said the brunette. Cassidy could read her face. Easy pick up. “Oh, how rude of me! I’m Candace Inglewhite. That�
�s my husband over there.” She waved at a man in his late fifties who was part of the veterinarian conversation. “We’ve had ponies for just ages. Tristan is one of us now.” She held out her hand out for a handshake.
“Cassidy…” Cassidy began.
“It’s been just wonderful meeting you. I’ve got to circulate,” she winked. “Ta!” She headed toward a group of women clustered around the food table.
Cassidy felt like a horse up for auction. She’d just had her first inspection. From the cluster of women at the food table she knew the gossip was spreading… now.
Champagne flowed. Elegant snacks circulated on silver trays. Cassidy felt that the distance between a small town in Alabama and the polo fields of New York was very, very large. Would she fit in? Everyone was so posh. These were the people Tristan spent time with when they weren’t together. This was her first public meeting of his world.
Tristan talked about her self-effacing tendencies, but overall she had a good sense of self; she just wasn’t rich. It was a different world with so much taken for granted, and she had to work hard just to keep herself going while also sending money home for mom.
She watched Tristan talking and laughing with the group of men. He was at ease, in his milieu. She was definitely out of hers. It was a surprise alright, but not a good one. She took a deep breath, adjusted her “sleek” dress and decided to tackle the food table and the gossip.
Cassidy did her best to fit in with the conversation but underneath she felt out of place. Everyone was at ease. She didn’t know what to say. They talked about parties and events and who owned which pony. Most of the time she was silent.
A petite blonde sidled up to her. “Hi, I’m Tracy. I see you met Mrs. Inglewhite. Don’t worry — she does that to everyone. And don’t be impressed. She’s a trophy wife and knows that with every wrinkle in her face she could be replaced. I’m really not part of this crowd, either. My husband is the veterinarian on call for most of the ponies in the barn when they are here.”
Cassidy felt a wave of relief flood over her. “Hi, Tracy. I’m Cassidy.”
“Come on, let’s go up by the fence,” Tracy said warmly. “I’ll explain what’s going on. It really is an exciting game.”
As they watched the next chukker, Tracy made comments from time to time. When the players came thundering by close to the fence, she felt her heart pound. It really was exciting.
At the same time, she kept wondering how Tristan could have a Polo pony. She knew they were very expensive. She’d seen some documentary on television and remembered just keeping one cost at least $2,000.00 a month plus vet bills. Tristan must be a lot richer than she thought. His absent parents must give him a huge allowance or he had a substantial trust fund. He was most certainly more than a good photographer.
When the match was over, people said cheery goodbyes. Tristan and Cassidy walked over to the horse area where Antonio supervised a stable boy washing down Bellissima. She was tossing her head in delight after the energetic afternoon. Tristan looked very happy. He congratulated Antonio and gave the horse a last pat on the withers.
He took Cassidy’s hand.
“Let’s go for a walk. I’m feeling good.” They strolled along a path under the trees and Cassidy breathed in the scents. Sharp, soothing, and such a contrast to her city life.
They walked in silence. Whatever Tristan was thinking, Cassidy was processing the afternoon with society and whether she had held her own.
As if in answer to her thoughts, Tristan turned, his tossed locks glistening in the late afternoon sun. “You were the most beautiful woman there.”
“I was?” Cassidy was in disbelief. She’d seen the expensive garments and smelled the exclusive perfumes. “Don’t patronize me.”
“No, Cassidy. You won’t get away with self-effacement this time. Truly, your simple silk dress showed off every quality of your beauty. Your curls glistened in the sun. You were not just beautiful, you were gorgeous.”
He led her off the path into a copse of trees. The sunlight filtered through the leaves and cast leafy shadows on the ground. It was like being in a cave made of leaves.
“Come here,” Tristan said. He leaned against a large tree trunk. He reached out his arms and pressed Cassidy against his full length. His hand ran up and down her body following her curves. “Look at you. Your body is like a goddess. Power and perfection.”
Cassidy felt her body begin to stir under his caresses. “I feel like a goddess when I’m with you. Your personal goddess.” She reached up and touched his cheek.
Tristan’s lips touched hers with a soft kiss. Anticipation stirred in her body. She felt the heat rush to her groin. She responded with a deeper kiss as his lips became firm and pressed against hers.
His hands moved to her breasts. She felt her areolas pucker as her nipples pushed against the soft silk. Tristan moaned.
He ran his hand up her thigh under her dress. “So soft,” he murmured. “Your skin is so soft.”
His fingers reached under her panties and found the slit. Cassidy sucked in her breath as waves of fire burned against his fingers.
She felt his shaft harden against her thigh.
“I want you. I want you in me,” she whispered.
Tristan found her nub and began making little circles with his thumb as his fingers probed deep into her. Waves of passion consumed her as her hips moved against him responding to the rhythm of his fingers.
“I’m cumming,” she cried. She realized they were out in the open and softened her voice. “I’m cumming,” she whispered breathily. “Cum inside me.”
He pulled the crotch of her panties to the side as his shaft found her opening. He pushed in then pulled back. Cassidy felt the desire build as his shaft pulled away. “No, no,” she breathed. “In.”
Tristan pushed back in pulling her close to his body. She arched and bucked with his thrusts, but his arms held her steady against him. She brought her leg up to his waist and felt his shaft go deeper.
His thrusts became rhythmic. His face was lost in the power of the moment. He grabbed her tight and moaned into her neck. She felt him push against her pulsing walls. Waves consumed her as she moved with his rhythm. With one last vigorous thrust, they came together.
“Tristan,” she murmured his name.
“We seem to go together,” Tristan said with that laughing smile on his lips.
Cassidy thought about the afternoon and wasn’t so sure. She didn’t know what to say. He was the only man who made her feel so complete. He brought out her best and encouraged her to be herself. How could she not like that combination? But the reality of all those wealthy strangers made her uncomfortable. How could a girl from Alabama fit in? Was it wishful thinking on his part?
She didn’t answer. Instead she snuggled into him, feeling his strength as he leaned against the tree. She knew she would never forget this day or the wild, immediate passion of their lovemaking under the leafy bows.
Chapter Six
“What’s wrong?” Tristan asked, reaching for her hand.
Cassidy didn’t realize her hands were clenched together in a tight fist.
She didn’t want him to know about her dad’s phone call early that morning. Her mom’s cancer had progressed, and the doctor recommended doubling the chemotherapy. Dad’s insurance couldn’t cover the additional expense and frantically called to ask for her help.
“Nothing, I… I… I just don’t want to be late for work,” she stammered, trying to put a carefree smile on her face.
“Okay, if you don’t want to be late, why don’t you let me drive you all the way to the coffee shop? Why do you have to get off a few blocks and walk the rest of the way?”
“Because… ugh… we’ve been through this before. I’m not ready to introduce you as my boyfriend. Do you know what a commotion you will stir up if I reported for work in this car? I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Tristan glanced at her like her explanation was the dumbest thing in the world.
“Are you ashamed of me?”
“Ashamed? God, no! Of course not.”
Cassidy stared at him, mystified that he would even think that. Was he blind? He should be thinking that about her. He was a prize catch — every girl’s dream — and he was hers. That was the root of her insecurity and the reason she preferred to keep their relationship a secret. The girls would all be wondering what she did and what he ever saw in her.
Tristan was the dream boyfriend. He was solicitous, very sweet, and had a knack for reading her mind. After seeing the luxury where he lived, Cassidy was embarrassed about bringing him to her place. He must have had an inkling. She remembered that conversation so clearly.
“Um, err… this place is so big and I’m alone. I was just wondering… and only if it’s okay with you… would you mind staying here with me? I mean, my folks won’t be around for months, you know…”
All the while giving her a sheepish grin.
Cassidy was only too willing to say yes.
“Of course, if you want me to,” she replied with delight, melting into his arms.
“Yes, I do.”
It wasn’t like he was asking her to live with him, was it? And her apartment was always there to go back to, if she needed to do so.
But it was what he suggested after that blew her mind.
“Can I buy you a car? I mean… nothing fancy. I just want to make sure you get to work fine when I’m away, and the bus doesn’t run this side of town."
Of course it didn’t; this was Upper East Side, after all.
“No! Absolutely not,” she replied with horror.
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not some ho. Besides, when you’re not around, I can go home to my apartment.”
Tristan looked at her and decided not to pursue the subject, but Cassidy had a feeling that wasn’t the end of it.
That was six weeks ago, and everything had been paradise since. They made love like there was no tomorrow. Tristan was insatiable and would catch her in the most unexpected places. If his parents went through the house with a UV light, the place would light up like the Fourth of July.